We invite you to prayerfully consider giving to St. Joseph's from the first fruits of your income, knowing that you are doing so in response to the many blessings God has given us. No amount is too little. We are blessed by your participation.
For your convenience, St. Joseph's has contracted with a secure service to allow you to make and schedule your recurring offertory giving online using your credit card, debit card, or checking account. The goal is to provide more convenience for you so that you don't have to use paper checks or carry cash to church or complete paper forms. St. Joseph's benefits by saving the cost of mailing envelopes and processing checks. It gives you a way to make a conscious choice to give regularly, and the church is better able to anticipate giving levels and budget accordingly.
There are a couple of ways to give without envelopes.
You also can schedule online contributions for Easter, Christmas, Holy Days, and second collections on one form.