Middle School Youth GroupStudents in grades 6 and 7 meet monthly to continue their faith formation journey and build community. Meetings are held on Sunday afternoon at 4 pm in the Learning Center at
St. Joseph. Click below to register:
MS Youth Group
Confirmation PreparationStudents in grade 8 and above, who've received their first sacraments are eligible to begin preparation for Confirmation. This is a two-year program. Candidates meet twice a month on Sunday evening, following the 5 pm Mass in the Learning Center at St. Joseph.
Click below to register:
Confirmation Year 1 and 2Senior High Youth GroupStudents in grades 10 - 12 are encouraged to join the Senior High Youth Group. The teens meet once a month on Sunday evening, following the 5 pm Mass in the Parish Office at St. Joseph.
The Senior High Youth Group meets to explore their faith more deeply and plan service projects for the church and community. Interested?
Register here:
SH Youth Group